Empowering Families, Inspiring Hope

Providing financial and emotional support for families battling childhood cancer



Seal Rocks to Dudley

150km 5 DAYS Seal Rocks to Dudley

Fundraising for families
like ours

Every step, every donation directly supports and contributes to easing the burden on local families navigating the devastating effects of childhood cancer.
At Charlie's Run 4 Kids, our journey is driven by a compassion that understands the unique struggles families endure. Our commitment goes beyond financial support, we believe that no family should face childhood cancer alone.

Help to provide financial and emotional support for families battling childhood cancer

Ways you can help

Join our next event

Volunteer or sponsor us at our next in person event. These gatherings not only raise funds but also rally a powerful community. See the tangible difference you make in the daily battles of families, bringing smiles, relief and a brighter tomorrow.

Donate today, change tomorrow

Every donation fuels hope. Your generosity directly supports families in need, providing them with the resources and strength to face the battles of cancer they are enduring.

Contact us

Got an idea you want to share with us? Or an event you would like our presence at? Charlie’s Run for Kids is passionate about giving back to the community that so greatly supports us. We want to hear from you!

Our Sponsors for 2024